Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in France will promote a broad variety of beautiful tourist attraction in the city of Padang State and the area of Europe.
Thus, foreign tourist visits the country to the greater region. Determination of RI presented at the ambassadorial Peraneis through DR. Elmar Bouma School Director The Director of External Affairs at the DFA-INDONESIA aeara night in the domain of Minang, the official residence of the mayor Crossing the road A. Melton Yani, week nights (9/12).
Present at the reception dinner that Mayor Melton Drs. H. Fauzi Bahar, M. Si, Muspida Padang and the head offices. A group from France who attended, among others, phinou Bimes Vice Mayor of Niort Field Communication, Tourism and international cooperation, Liliane Acard (KADIN Paris), Nita Iskandar (KADIN Indonesia Bilateral France), Eric Dusstot (Pernsahaan Railway France), Eric Chatelier (Association Peraneis Indonesia), the Garaoui (Employers development and environmental hotel villa). Pierre Alain mignon (Chairman of Kadin Indonesia Bilateral France), Christophe Glass (Tauzia Hotel Management), Elmar Bouma (Employers). Over in the group is led ambassadorial RI to France and the principality of Andorra Arizal Effendi, SH, MA with the staff in December Alwi, Bramantja Dewabrata, Patrick Hasjim, and Narwastuyati Petronela Mbeo.
Padang has a natural beauty and objects that tourism is not lost and the other regions in the country, even manea country. However, during this promotion and wisatanya still not so little reverb. For those with the support of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Peraneis Rice is expected to bring fresh wind, said Padang Mayor Fauzi Bahar.
Ongoing cooperation that has been involved with this good we need to protect and develop continuously. Moreover, the embassy showed seriousness, such as bringing a number of businessmen and embassy staff who will take an active role in promoting tourism objects Padang, West Sumatera in general, clearly Fauzi.
Fauzi optimistic follow-up visits from the French businessmen will be there, the man tourism in this region must be more nimble and, if necessary, pick the ball .. Because the business opportunities in the tourism sector is wide open. Kemaslah well and must move fast, fate mayor.
Primadona industry is tourism, both for the developed countries, especially developing countries. Because of this sector that is packed with both able to bring in enough revenue brisk, good for business, community and government.
Mayor to convey thanks to the embassy, as it has opened a new link for this region to appear more skittish again in the future. Meanwhile, the Embassy staff in December Alwi said, Beirut has the potential to advance the tourism sector, because in a natural beauty that impresses enough, and combined with a very unique culture. This is the lure travelers. Its need to be packed with good and serious, he said.
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