Tour de Singkarak event is an international bicycle race will begin on 30 April to 3 May 2009 in West Sumatra. not only international athletes who will bike to join in this race, but national and local athletes also did not want to lag. Not tangung – responsibility, executive committee will bring Lance Armstrong, a world-class drivers from the United States. The presence of Lance Armstrong in this event, of course, especially the image of West Sumatra Padang City will be more famous in the international world.
Basically this is the business activities of the government to continue the success of the program Visit Indonesia Year 2008 with mengusung event – the international event. Great expectations with the event – this event such as the flow of tourist visits to the increase. As host, the potential for tourism in West Sumatra, of course, will terpromosikan itself to more of these activities will diliput by national and international media. More specific, this event is also the beginning of the age of the city will enter into a century.
Route of Tour Singkarak designed through local tourism and the excellent start of the City of Padang, Bukittinggi City, Tanah Datar, Sawahlunto town, and the District of Solok, with a total distance of 459.6 km. Route 5 consists of the etape: I etape (Team Time Trial) in the city of Padang Golf beset Imam Bonjol, 4 km far. Etape II, with a star on the beach to Bukittinggi, Padang, as far as 92.3 km. Etape III, Bukittinggi far-Sawahlunto 85.1 km, etape IV Sawahlunto Singkarak far-Lake 90.2 km. Etape and V, Singkarak Lake-Twin Lakes-Lake Singkarak far as 188 km.
The establishment of the Tour de Singkarak will be held in the parking lot at the Taman Budaya precisely the way Ocean. On the occasion will be dimeriahkan by Orkestra led by Dwiki Dharmawan and artists such as the capital of pop diva Velasquez, Andien jazz singer, rock singer Purnamasari Ita, and dangdut’s singer Iis Dahlia and Kristina. Local artists also take part in this activity, already 100 Sumbar artist who is involved and will showcase capabilities dancing, sing songs Minang ethnic, and various other shows. Most of them are students and alumni of Sekolah Tinggi Seni Padang Panjang.
The big event, the Head Office of Culture and Tourism City of the DR. H M Hasymi Edi, The City invites citizens to menyukseskan the event and hope that people can maintain the City and to improve the cleanliness and the comfortable migrants.
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